Pro Arch Dental Implants

All On Six Dental Implants in Istanbul

Imagine walking into any room with a smile that turns heads. A smile that no longer depends on your teeth remaining in your mouth. A smile that’s as beautiful as it is natural. This is the beauty of pro arch dental implants.

If you’re considering dental implants, let’s know the process.

In this article, we’ll take you through everything you need to know about all four and all six dental implants in Turkey. We have you covered, from what happens during the surgery to how long it takes to recover.

What Are All on Four Dental Implants?

All Four dental implants are a type of implant that can be used to replace missing teeth. They are called “all on four” because four dental implants are used to support the replacement teeth.

This type of implant is a good choice for people who have lost all their teeth or have very few teeth left.

Benefits of All on Four Dental Implants

All on Four dental implants are a great way to improve your smile. They offer several benefits, including:

  • 1

    A permanent, natural-looking solution.

  • 2

    No more slipping dentures.

  • 3

    Improved oral health.

  • 4

    Reduced risk of gum disease and tooth decay.

  • 5

    Increased confidence and self-esteem.

All on Four is a great option if you’re considering dental implants. Contact our team today to book a consultation and determine if this treatment is right for you.

What to Expect During the All-on-Four Procedure

Once you have arrived in Istanbul and been taken to the dental clinic, you will be greeted by the dental team. You will be given a private room to relax and prepare for the surgery.

Before the surgery, your dentist will give you a local anesthetic to numb your gums. Then, they will make a small cut in your gums and place the dental implants in your jawbone. The implants will be screwed into place and left to heal for a few months.

Once the implants have healed, your dentist will attach the new teeth to the implants. This process is known as tooth restoration and usually takes place in just one visit. You will leave the clinic with a brand-new smile!

Watch the Procedure Video


All-on-Four Implant Procedure Aftercare Tips

It’s important to take good care of your All on Four dental implants after the procedure.

  • This includes:
  • Brushing and flossing at least twice a day.
  • As well as making sure to keep up with regular dental checkups.
  • Your dentist may also recommend using a special cleaning tool, such as a soft brush and an interdental cleaner, to remove debris between your teeth and keep your gums healthy.
  • In addition to that, make sure to avoid eating hard and sticky foods that can damage the implant, especially in the first few weeks after the procedure.
  • It’s also a good idea to visit your dentist for regular checkups to ensure everything looks good and the implants are functioning properly.
  • The specialist may also recommend further treatments or procedures if necessary.
  • Regular maintenance ensures that you’re All on Four implants will last for many years.

What Is an All-on-Six Dental Implant?

An all-on-six dental implant is a treatment where all teeth in the upper or lower jaw are replaced with dental implants. Six implants are placed in the jawbone to support a full set of replacement teeth.

The treatment is often recommended for people who have lost all their teeth, have a lot of teeth missing, or have poor oral health.

It’s a popular treatment for people who want to improve their smile because it offers a more natural look and feels than traditional dentures.

Benefits of All on Six Dental Implants

All on Six dental implants offer several benefits over other tooth replacement options.

  • 1

    For starters, they offer a more permanent solution. Other replacement options, like dentures or dental bridges, can be loose and uncomfortable and may need to be replaced or adjusted over time.

  • 2

    All six dental implants also look more natural than other replacement options. They’re anchored directly into the jawbone, so they won’t move or shift as dentures can.

  • 3

    Plus, they come in various shapes and sizes to match the look of your natural teeth.

If you’re considering All on Six dental implants, Turkey is a great place to have them done. Turkish dentists are world-renowned for their expertise in dental implants, and the country offers some of the best dental care in the world.

All Six Dental Implants Procedures in Turkey

If you’re in the dental implant market, you have many choices. But if you’re looking for quality and affordability, you should consider dental implants in Turkey.

All Six dental implant procedures are available in Turkey, and they’re much more affordable than in the United States or Europe. In addition, the quality of care is excellent, and you’ll be able to get all the dental work you need to be done in one trip.

So, if you’re tired of your smile or embarrassed by your missing teeth, consider dental implants in Turkey. You’ll be glad you did.

After All-on-Six Implants Surgery in Turkey

Once the surgery is complete, the dentist in Turkey will fit a set of temporary fixed teeth over the implants. You can start using them immediately, lasting for four to six months.

Your dentist will also keep an eye on your post-operative healing process. They may ask you to come back after two weeks for a follow-up appointment to ensure everything is okay.

Once your implant has healed and fused with your jawbone, you’ll go back again for a different set of dental impressions so that they can begin creating your permanent replacement teeth.

You’ll usually be asked to take some medications during the healing process, although this depends on what type of All on Six procedure was chosen.

To ensure you’re comfortable throughout, you may need to take antibiotics or pain relief medications as advised by your dentist in Turkey.

Cost of Pro Arch Dental Implants in Turkey


If you’re looking for a better smile and don’t want to go through the hassle of dental implants in your country, Turkey is a great place to go.

The dentists are highly skilled, and the cost is relatively low, especially compared to dental implants in other countries. Make sure you research and find a qualified doctor to perform the procedure.

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